Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lazying just right after Christmas...

Yup, am sleeping away my post-Christmas exhaustion just by reading and reading in bed until I get tired and put my weary mind to slumber. I just can't find time to think about what to blog. My mind is not working I guess. Yesterday I went out just to buy another book on sale. But to my dismay I didn't find any Sidney Sheldon book on the shelves. I just had one Leigh Nichols' TWILIGHT. FYI, he is Dean Koontz so I just grabbed it for posterity reason. I have had the latest TWILIGHT in my book collection but I still grabbed it when I saw it since it was a rare edition when finally LN decided to use DK instead. And yesterday, I had these CRADLE AND ALL by James Patterson, and Anne Rivers Siddons' UP ISLAND. This Siddons is my very 1st...and I just can't wait til I get hold the book and get started reading it. But right now, am still enjoying the best part of SS's THE SKY IS FALLING. I only stretch up away from bed when I feel my neck hurting from being a log the whole day. Opening my yahoo emails from time to time and answering some mails promptly and like this...updating my blogsite a little...just for the heck of doing so, for the meantime. My mind is in a sleep-mode...I am so engrossed readiiiiiing. Please forgive me just for now.

1 comment:

Carlos said...

Hello hello,happy weekend.